Monday, November 16, 2015

November Newsletter


This year is going SO well!!!  We are working hard in class each day, and I can already see so much growth in their abilities!  I have to say THANK YOU to all of the families in my classroom. I can tell that it’s the hard work you are doing at home that is making a difference!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to better support at home in anyway!  Please get in touch with me about any questions you might have.  I strongly feel that the communication between teacher and families can make-or-break a school year.  I want to make sure you can always be part of what is going on in our classroom!  Please visit my staff page on the Faubion Website often!  There you will find a link to our classroom blog!  I’ll try and update it 2-3 times a week!

This month at a glance……..

·       11/11 – No School – Veteran’s Day
·       11/12 – Picture Re-take
·       11/20 – Muffins with McCalley
·       11/26 & 11/27 – No School –
Thanksgiving Break

Book Fair/Book Orders

Scholastic Book Orders came home last week in homework folders.  Please look through these each month to see if there is anything to add to your home libraries.  If there was not enough in the book order flyer I sent home, I hope most of you had the chance to come by the Faubion Book Fair.  Thank you to ALL of the people who helped put on the book fair!  It was a huge success!  The children really enjoyed walking through and seeing all of the different books to buy!  It’s always so fun for me to see how exciting BOOKS can be! 

Star of the Week

Our class will be starting a fun new activity at the end of the week. We all want to get to know eachother even better, and so I will select one student a week (at random) to be the Star of the Week!  This student will be asked to share more about their lives at home by bringing special things to share with the class:)

Field Trip

We had an amazing field trip last week!  The children did a wonderful job during the play, Junie B. Jones, The Musical.  I was so proud of them all.  Also, a HUGE thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who helped us travel outside of school safely!


A HUGE THANK YOU to all of our families for being patient with the technical difficulties we had a couple of  weeks ago with RAZ KIDS.  It’s a long story…but I got it all figured out.  The only downside, is we had to start fresh!  Each child has a new log-in sheet in their homework folders last week. 

Happy reading!